Life at SUUSI
SUUSI is a shared experience
SUUSI is a week long intentional Unitarian Universalist community located on a university campus. We live in dorms together, eat in the cafeteria together, and share many SUUSI wide events, like the Banner Parade and Ingathering and Community Time. We have shared spaces like dorm hallways and lounges, the Artisans Bazaar, the bookstore, common ground cafe, and Pair-a-dice (board game room) where we can hang out with old friends and make new ones.
We embrace the collective responsibility of SUUSI
We also share in collective responsibility for each other. especially in light of COVID and other health considerations. We have a shared mission and covenant of how we will be together. Please review our Health FAQ for information on how SUUSI is addressing everyone's health needs.
Life at SUUSI is also beautifully diverse
We celebrate the diversity in our community by providing a lot of options and choices. Everyone at SUUSI creates their own schedule, based on their own needs and preferences. We all have different ways to replentish our spiritual cups, from engaging worship services provided by our Nurture staff, exploring the mountains and waters through Nature, participating in different art or philosophical Workshops, tons of Music and Late Night Activity, and/or participating in our Intergenerational programming.
We have housing groups, like the Family, Co-op, Teen, and Young Adults Dorms with specific rules and benefits, plus self-organized housing groups that request to stay near each other. The cafeteria is able to cater to a range of dietary needs and requests.
We know that so many options can be overwhelming to Newcomers, so we have newcomer staff and programming to help new SUUSI-ites feel welcome.
Welcoming diversity in our community
SUUSI celebrates the diversity of human experience, with explicit programs and approaches to make SUUSI truly supportive and welcoming of all people. To ensure we are practicing what we preach, SUUSI has invested in accessibility and DEI staff and programming. We have explicit policies balance the needs for freedom and protection for middlers and teens. We have an explicit Anti-Harassment policy plus supportive policies for adults and children who need extra guardianship.
Finally, we have a 24/7 helpline at SUUSI and a Minister on call who can address any challenges or areas where additional support is needed.
SUUSI is made up of all of us
SUUSI is 100% volunteer run, with a board elected by SUUSI-ites every year (including youth!). All the decisions are made by people dedicated to making SUUSI a wonderful experience, who also know that SUUSI can always be made better. If you have ideas or what to get involved, volunteering or applying to work on staff is a great way to get engaged.