Frequently Asked Questions about SUUSI’s Healthy Relations Team


HeaRT, or our Healthy Relations Team, is a volunteer group of both lay persons and ministry professionals trained in conflict resolution and reconciliation processes to engage conflicts that may arise, so that SUUSI may grow as a community of mutual care and responsibility.

SUUSI’s HeaRT Charter or, How’s it Work?

The SUUSI Covenant and Healthy Relations Team Charter, affirmed by the SUUSI Board on April 27, 2024, puts forth HeaRT’s charge to guide our living into our best SUUSI selves.

What if I experience conflict that leads to harm, or need support for a personal issue at SUUSI?

If you experience conflict that leads to harm that you feel cannot be resolved one-on-one, then support from SUUSI Pastoral Care or the HeaRT (Healthy Relations Team) is available.

Call  540-534-1575,

What will happen when I call HeaRT?

You will be contacted by a member of the team who will set up a time for you to meet with two members.  When possible meetings will be staffed by two Healthy Relations Team members.

If the Team can help they will contact the other party. If they believe you are better served by another person they will help you make contact.

All interactions with theTeam are confidential except where physical violence or illegal activities are involved.  The Team are all mandated reporters and will take suspected abuse immediately to the Director. 

What if I am called by HeaRT to a meeting?

It is hoped that if you are contacted by the Healthy Relations Team you will be open to the meetings. At times we will each step off the map and get lost. We are fortunate to have a trained team to help. 

You are welcome to bring a friend to these meetings.

If you are unable or unwilling to meet with the Team the matter will be referred to the Director.

What if my issue remains unresolved after engaging with HeaRT?

If the HeaRT comes to consensus that they have exhausted their resources the issue will be referred to the board per the policy (Section 6.1.E). 

Does HeaRT have the authority to remove me from SUUSI?

NO. The purpose of HeaRT is to assist people with coming back into covenant with the SUUSI community.